Al Poggetto

The country house Al Poggetto is a bio certified farming business. The property is approximately 6 hectares big and has belonged for more than half a century to the Panvini family. We produce olive oil from our own olives in vast quantity. All our ingredients used to cook our meals are freshly picked from our fruits trees and kitchen garden. The country house has been fully renovated with elegant settings and it is managed according to the highest of standards.

Interesting excursions can be organized going from Al Poggetto to the magnificent Duomo di Monreale famous for its interior mosaic decoration; to Palermo to visit its historical city centre; to Piana degli Albanesi, where one is able to enjoy fishing or canoeing in a well-reputed lake, tasting the famous Cannolo Siciliano, filled with sheep ricotta and visit one of its many beautiful churches; to the Riserva naturale di Ficuzza, ideal for trekking lovers that offers breath-taking landscape; to Corleone and Monte Jato well known for their archeological remains.



From Palermo
Take the high way Palermo-Sciacca (SS 624). Take the first exit for Altofonte, turn right and just before the AGIP petrol station turn left into via Placido Rizzotto, from this point you will be able to follow our sign AL POGGETTO.

Lake of Piana degli Albanesi